Howdy you'll. Just back from a month trip to Houston Texas. |
Vivian in front of the first place she went to in Houston. Just can't escape that Italian food. |
Frank with his shiny new bike |
Frank's cousin Antonette lives in Houston with her husband Eric. Frank and Antonette had not seen each other in over 20 years. |
Antonette, Frank and Vivian at the Rain Forest Cafe. |
Eric, Antonette, and Vivian | |
We also hooked up for some fun and diner with Lance, a friend Frank make on a previous trip to Houston. Lance works at Baylor as the database manager for the department of Pediatric Cardiology. Lance likes Rock music and Bevis and Buthead. |
While we were there we made a trip to the houston space center |
Vivian at Johnson Space Center | |
We got a tour of the old mission control, which was used for the firts space flights, through the lunar landing, and for a long time on shuttle missions, up till about 1998. |
Vivian by a big Rocket Engine | |
In the museum they had a Mercury Capsule |
They had an Apollo capsule | |
A lunar Rover |
Moon Walk | |
They had space suits | |
A lunar lander |
Titan Rocket | |
We got a tour of the shuttle trainer |
and the new International Space Station Trainer | |
Frank by a mockup of the next planned shuttle design. |
Frank Visited the Houston Museum of Fine Arts and took a tour of the Star Wars Exhibit (visit the House of Jedi) | |
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Last Updated: 19 March, 2001.
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Vivian's Neighborhood